Little Giant of Aberdeen County – Tiffany Baker
Interested in a book that is odd, surprising, and somewhat like a captivating, extreme fairytale? Yes? Then you should read The Little Giant of Aberdeen County, by Tiffany Baker.
The story is from the perspective our the heroine, Truly. She’s a tortured soul in a small town plagued by being a Behemoth both in size and heart. She has all of the bad luck of a Cinderella, yet her happy ending is won with a slow and steady sense of purpose. Truly can’t just whip out her prettiest dress and some glass slippers. It’s a story of misfits (Truly’s not the only one) rising above intolerance and finding their way to love and peace. It’s great.
An added bonus is the discovery of how to use herbs and plants for magic potions and healing creams. I felt a little inspired to start grinding up some peppermint and chamomile and experiment with some natural remedies 🙂